Tailored Sustainable Home Organization

Empowering you through sustainable Scandinavian home organization and approachable minimalist lifestyle coaching.

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August 22, 2022

Welcome to Talagom

Posted in: Uncategorized


I’m SO glad you’re here. I hope you are reading this from your #myshörna, (‘cozy corner’ us Scandis are in love with).

Okay, so what is this all about? What is a Talagom Lifestyle? And why might you need it?

Luckily for you, I just spent 2 weeks in Scandinavia nailing these questions down for myself. Traveling is magical that way. Long train rides, zoning out with your head on the window as the beautiful scenery passes by. You can’t not contemplate the deep inner workings of your life, your purpose, your wants, and wonders.

Ultimately, I keep coming back to “causality”. The relationship between cause and effect. The “trickle effect” as we like to call it. It’s easy to get caught up in the outcomes, the repercussions, the mistakes made, the clutter. I try to focus more on the ‘why’, and sometimes it takes a little digging.

One of my favorite quotes is by lovely Mother Teresa, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family”. Maybe you can see where I’m going with this? Home. It all starts and ends with your home, and too many of us don’t really even like being there. Even if it’s just a room in that home, that space should absolutely be the most charming, cozy, safe, relaxing, clean, whatever adjective that makes you feel utterly content – basically, an oasis to you. At the very least, we all need a place we can look forward to coming back to after a long day. Where else are you going to recharge, fill your cup, unplug, after you have just emptied yourself all day? Especially post Covid19 pandemic when everyone is suffering from burnout at work and sick of being stuck at home, I think it’s time we make this more of a priority.

There is a Danish word for this that I’m sort of obsessed with. It’s called hygge.

Pronounced “hoo-gah”

A big part of my trip became about understanding this word, intimately. I asked every local I chatted with what it means to them, and learned it’s slightly different for everyone. “Cozy” doesn’t begin to cover it. A home organizer I met in Copenhagen said it’s about contrasts. A cold, wet, blustery day outside, but being curled up inside with a soft blanket, hot cocoa, and a good book by the fire. It’s also, cooking with family and having an unrushed meal together at the table with a special wine and beautiful place settings. A big part of it is also the lighting. Warm toned lamps, and candles everywhere. Another person explained to me sustainability is very hyggelig. A well crafted piece of furniture that has been passed down and reused throughout multiple homes. It’s bringing nature and life into the home with plants and live wood. A bartender at the airport in Oslo likes to think of it as a dance between your senses. Like walking inside to the smell of your mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls, hearing her laughing with your loved ones, seeing your toddler’s face trying a bite for the first time while you sip tea from a warm mug. It’s a single, colorful art piece on a windowsill that draws you in and tells a story. Flowers from the farmer’s market in a vase by themselves on the kitchen table. A sturdy door to feel safe behind. A deck with party lights, a campfire, friends, and cold beer. A diffuser of your favorite essential oil that transports you to a happy memory. A pet sprawled out on the floor waiting for you to come back. I could go on…

Fact is, like a day spent on Pinterest, I’m inspired. I believe this is important. I feel immense joy helping people, and I’m on a mission to not only help declutter your space and create systems for longevity, but I also hope to inspire you on the Scandinavian way and together we can create a hyggelig home you can enjoy and be proud of once again. That’s Talagom, and you deserve it.

  1. Elaine Byram says:

    Well written piece……trying to figure out which room in my house is my happy place. I am a candle person, so totally understand the comfort lighting and smells can bring.

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